
Lyckan i att hitta en 20-lapp i gammal plånbok är precis så förgänglig som den låter men den överträffar, tyvärr, ändå mycket annat. Det är allt för ofta skönt att vara ett barn.

Postat av: bjorn

Ang Ulf Ekman

This is a damned sham. If you have a minimum of experience and insight.

Tex television podium for the elections with Alf Svensson and laughed at Göran Persson (and himself arbetarintervju and "boasting of it").

In the circumstances, "went to the U.S. and studied for a pastor / priest" and 80-t nyl spirit of bla contempt for physical disability (wikipedia electricity etc., that bluff interpreters' disease is evil ").

Religionsförbudsandan of the Basic Law for example tillhörighetsförbud (children's etc in the Swedish church).

Uppsala etc and triggning elements in the environment (ärkebiskopsstift etc)

Would väck course, as well as the monarchy for a long time ago

SEN DÖMA AND NOT ALL OF A SKITSTÖVEL SKULL - I mean, so it strikes the immigrants, criminals and the general public, etc.

But Christians and religious - make use of course, blah contribution, society, etc. for something that is not true (the best practices, the third task for higher education).

Poiis and military to protect the country after all the internal threat.

I think it is that - like many scientists, etc.

Say "Jesus is and call ..." (eternal life) =

we must of course have strong reasons, posiitoner as it was before - the death penalty in the past (when the religion was not a private matter or easy).

See, democracy (majority) do not want it =

sub-mm would simply liquidate / dead skitstöveln UlfEkman.

Larger bluff in Sweden.

Quotes like "do not like when it clinks but when it rustle."

In a Christian context leeende wolf in fårakläder. Sen personlighetspsykologi = review and assess the life of evil (skitstövlarna, known for it).

Relations with the Russians and Israelis ...

2 cases of fraud (the house 6.6 million, as has been said and nothing in the U.S. as I read on jinge - do not read more into the University of electricity etc.).

Several of offence on the economic front (right in rem, etc.).

2008-07-31 @ 12:52:54
Postat av: Syster

Haha, spännande :D

2008-08-01 @ 11:36:42

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